Upcoming Training Courses
We are currently offering the following Management System Training courses for 2020, both in-house and in public venues:
RC14001:2023 & RCMS:2023
ISO 14001:2015
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 45001:2018
The following new dates have been set for our Responsible Care related courses:
2-day RC14001:2023® Implementation Course
1-day RC14001:2023 and ISO 9001:2015 Integration Course
3-day RC14001:2023® Lead Auditor Course
tbd. NY/NJ Area
If you would like further information or would like to discuss how ROC One Institute training can support your management systems teams, internal auditors and top management to transition to the new standards then please call *1.917.818.1644 or email us at training@roc-one.com.
RC14001® and RCMS® Training Courses
ROC One Institute offers a range of RC14001® and RCMS® and related training courses, including:
- RC14001:2023/RCMS:2023 Management Overview;
- RC14001:2015 Transition*
- RC14001:2023 and ISO 9001:2015 Integration
- Implementing RC14001:2023 or RCMS:2023;
- RC14001:2023/RCMS:2023 Internal Auditor*
- ISO 14001 EMS Lead Auditor (ANAB)*
- ISO 45001 OHS MS Lead Auditor (ANAB)*
All courses are available as in-house courses.
* Courses also thought as public courses in the US, Europe and the Middle East. Inquire for latest course schedule at training@roc-one.com
Our training courses are the newest in the field, have been developed for all learning styles and are taught by our industry-leading subject matter experts.
RC14001:2023® Implementation Course
This new course is aimed at individuals that are responsible for implementing or maintaining a Responsible Care Management System based on RC14001® and covers the new requirements of RC14001:2023®.
This will enable delegates to evaluate and implement changes and improve their organization’s Responsible Care Management System. If you want to be the first to implement the RC14001:2023 standard in your organization, this course will give you the tools to adapt to the updated standard.
Course Objectives
- The concepts and requirements defined in RC14001:2023
- High Level Structure (HLS) and how this affects the new RC14001:2023
- What improvements you can make in your current Responsible Care Management System and how it saves you time and effort
- The significance of organizational context and adopting threats and opportunities approach to environmental management
- Outsourcing and the application of life cycle perspective
- Process management principles
- Documented information requirements
- Third-party registrars expectations when assessing for RC14001:2023
- Establish a transition time plan based on the ACC requirements
- How to help your organization through the transition
Pre – requisites
- Knowledge of Management System concepts
- Experience of implementing or maintaining a Responsible Care Management System
For more information regarding Responsible Care, visit http://roc-one.com/responsible-care
ISO 9001:2015 Transition Course
The ISO 9001 standard revision was published in September 2015. Now it is your turn! There is a overall three years transition period, but for some cases this might actually only be two years. So it is important to understand the changes that are coming up in order to start planning for your organization’s transition to the new standard.
In this course, we present the expected major changes being introduced to the new standard, and address how organizations should consider these changes as opportunities to make their quality management system a strategic element of good performance and sustainability over time. We also explain the transition period for currently certified organizations.
- Learn about the evolution of the ISO 9000 series over the years.
- Assess the overall impact the new standard will have on your current quality management system.
- Understand the new clause structure of Annex SL, the ways it impacts how standards are written, and the fundamental changes being introduced in the new ISO 9001.
- Recognize the opportunity to make quality management a strategic function within your organization and learn how it can have a positive impact on your organization’s business results.
- Learn about the agreed-on period to transition to the new standard in order to maintain/expand current certification or achieve certification.
- Establish an action plan to achieve and maintain certification to ISO 9001:2015.
- The ISO 9001 standard ‒ a clause-by-clause review
- Evaluating the QMS performance
- Improving the QMS performance
- Linking process metrics to key performance indicators (KPIs)
- The transition period and a recommended action plan
- Senior managers, operational managers, management representatives, quality managers, auditors, and other professionals engaged in the implementation and auditing of their organization’s quality management system.
Coming soon in August 2020.
RC14001:2015® and ISO 9001:2015 Integration Course
With the changes to RC14001 and ISO 9001 a lot of companies are restructuring their management systems. Now is the time to take the opportunity of the identical structures and combine the different management systems to an integrated and more effective solution.
An integrated management system (IMS) combines all related components of a business into one system for easier management and operations. Environmental, Health & Safety, Security and Quality management systems are often combined and managed as an IMS. These systems are not separate systems that are later joined together, rather they are integrated with linkages so that similar processes are seamlessly managed and executed without duplication.
Course Objectives
- Integration options – review of various forms of integration and the related pros and cons.
- Interpreting RC14001 and ISO 9001 similarities – A clause-by-clause review of the management systems elements and which of them should be integrated how. Also, an ongoing discussion of RC14001/ISO 9001 linkages and themes including: context of the organization, risk, views of interested parties, documentation and procedures, and continual improvement.
- Review of potential pitfalls – integration is more than just combining procedures.
- Good knowledge of the RC14001:2023 and the ISO 9001:2015 requirements
- Experience of implementing or maintaining a Management System