Case Studies

One of ROC One’s clients, a major waste water treatment and drinking water company, operates a comprehensive suite of environmental, health and safety (EHS) management processes to facilitate compliance with the numerous regulatory regimes to which it is subject. The company did not require certified EHS management systems, but wanted to ensure that the concept and requirements of ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 were met. To read the case study, please visit here.

ROC One provided support to an energy sector company in preparation for its ISO 14001 recertification audit. The company’s activities had evolved since the corporate EMS was implemented, with a number of operational businesses gaining certification for their own systems. ROC One’s role was to review the corporate system, develop an achievable plan for rejuvenation and carry out tasks to overhaul and update system elements. To read the case study, please visit here.

ROC One provided a program of business-specific support to a major client with global operations in the chemical industry. The work involved meeting various corporate and business unit objectives to raise awareness and develop cross organizational awareness for the Responsible Care® program and requirements for the certification to RC14001 including environmental, health, safety and security (EHSS) management system components. ROC One’s extensive knowledge of the organization’s procedures and practices equipped us to develop two separate training packages. To read the case study, please visit here.
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Why Choose Us
For almost a decade, ROC One has helped companies around the world obtain management system certification.
Our clients represent a broad array of industries and industry sectors, with facilities ranging from a 30-person machine shop to a 30,000-person manufacturing plant.
Over the years, we have continually invested in our analytical skills as management system, EHS and sustainability specialists with diverse industry backgrounds and multinational experience.
The vast experience that we have amassed at ROC One is a key advantage in our ability to deliver thoughtful, practical solutions.
We are committed to delivering outstanding work that meets – and even exceeds – client expectations.
Client Testimonials
ROC One employees are very well versed in the application and implementation of various management systems and are second to no one in their knowledge of the various associated standards. Their vast knowledge combined with their auditing experience is a great combination that adds value to any business.
ROC One has been a key resource in helping us improve performance through the implementation of effective management systems. Their expertise and broad industry experience has proven invaluable to our efforts. But it is their passion for the subject matter and their ability to trigger enthusiasm in the people they are working with that sets them apart and truly builds value for our company.
ROC One has supported Evonik Degussa on several engagements to advance our strategic thinking and program implementation across a range of topics including environmental, health, safety and security management. They have brought a uniquely talented team of professionals to each project and consistently demonstrated the knowledge and flexibility to support our bottom line performance.